domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

20 Ways To Use Articles To Get Killer PR For Your Business

20 Ways To Use Articles To Get Killer PR For Your Business

Word Count:

Writing articles is a powerful, free way to promote your business. Because articles are a news source they are much more credible than a paid advertisement. This is a fantastic way to get your message in front of thousands of eyes. It can establish your credibility in your Industry; it can promote name recognition, and help you to introduce a new product to the world! Once you write an article don't just let it sit! Put it to work!

Here are 20 ways to MAXIMIZE the use of ...



Article Body:
Writing articles is a powerful, free way to promote your business. Because articles are a news source they are much more credible than a paid advertisement. This is a fantastic way to get your message in front of thousands of eyes. It can establish your credibility in your Industry; it can promote name recognition, and help you to introduce a new product to the world! Once you write an article don't just let it sit! Put it to work!

Here are 20 ways to MAXIMIZE the use of your articles!

1. Offer article as a FREE REPORT to customers.

2. Place articles on autoresponders

3. Offer article as a free gift when people refer others to you

4. Offer article as a free gift for subscribing to your opt in list

5. Use articles as weekly tips for newspaper columns, magazines, or ezines

6. Ask colleges, seminar or workshop presenters, and other training organizations if your article would make a nice addition to their training materials packet

7. Submit your article general knowledge directories such as

8. Submit your site to specialized vertical portals specifically on your topic. Ex: marketing or business related resource sites like
9. Submit your site to webmasters with sites where your article would complement their content

10.Use copies of your articles in your media kit or new client introduction pieces

11. Post articles in frames around the office. Visitors will see them when they come in.

12.Send out copies of articles with sales letters, meeting follow up letters, product release letters, It shows prospects that you are an industry leader by being "in the news".

13.Archive articles on your web site

14.Have piles of articles on display in your office for visitors to grab

15.Give permission on your web site for others to republish your articles if they include full bio.

16.Contact editors of ezines to see if they would be willing to publish your article in their ezine

17.Post your article to "content providing" directories

18.Swap articles with other ezine publishers

19.Group related articles together and publish as an ebook

20. Use articles as an add on bonus when people purchase your product


15 Commandments To Submitting Articles - Article Submission Sites

15 Commandments To Submitting Articles - Article Submission Sites

Word Count:

1) Don't use all capitals in your title:
People don't like to be yelled at. USING CAPITALS is the same as yelling and looks awful. There aren't many article submission sites that accept ALL capitals in your title.

article writing, articles

Article Body:
1) Don't use all capitals in your title:

People don't like to be yelled at. USING CAPITALS is the same as yelling and looks awful. There aren't many article submission sites that accept ALL capitals in your title.

2) Only use HTML when asked:

There is nothing worse for an editor when he/she has to strip out HTML because you failed to follow the guidelines. If the website asks for NO HTML then don't add any.

3) Only use simple HTML:

If you are allowed to use HTML, just use the basics. Ex. (P)aragraph, (B)old, (I)talicized, (LI)st bullets, (A)link, etc. These HTML codes are considered basic and are usually accepted when submitting your article in HTML format.

4) Don't use articles to advertise your services within the content:

There is nothing worse than reviewing an article and seeing 5/10 links that are owned by the author embedded within the content of the article. Granted, sometimes you have something unique to help others with and you need to get the word out, I like to see such promotion but ONLY if it is useful for the readers and it is FREE, not a paid service or product. Try not to use this unique information within every single article that you write. This info will then become a little useless for the editors and they may even delete that section. Please remember to READ the "Author Guidelines" before you start submitting your articles.

website content development

5) Don't submit press releases as tips:

There is a distinct difference between a press release and an informative article. Press releases are strictly for announcing news about your company. Informative articles teach people about a specific subject (not about your company).

6) Have your articles edited by editors:

These days, there are so many authors trying to make their mark. It is imperative that you get your article edited by an editor, friend, colleague, or someone who is really good at checking for spelling and grammar.

7) Try to write something unique to the industry:

People all over the world are writing about the same thing. If you truly want to shine, try writing about topics that aren't covered by everyone. If you discover something new, do some research on what people are saying about it. If you can't find any other content, you may have found a gold mine.

8) Don't copy other people's content:

This topic is seriously funny. We have caught people actually stealing our articles and simply changing the title of the article to call it their own. How pathetic! If you use someone else's content, only use it for study, not for your own promotion and recognition. If you "quote" someone else, make sure to give credit where appropriate.

9) Find 5 new article submission sites to submit to:

If you submit articles once a week, try and make it a habit to find 5 new article submission sites to submit to. I guarantee you that new article submission websites popup almost weekly. We are still finding new sites to submit to, there is no limit to your search. Go within Google and do a search similar to "article submission sites", or "Where to submit articles to?".

Keep your author bio short & sweet:

Try keeping your author biography short & sweet. There is nothing worse than seeing an article submission and realizing that most of the article content is within the author bio. Use one sentence and a couple of links. Most submission sites will accept up to 3 links within your resource box.

11) Don't buy articles from other companies and call them your own:

Commandment #11 is sweeping the world and is giving the article writing industry a bad name. Please don't even consider buying articles from people that claim that they will write a "UNIQUE" article for you to promote. Trust me when I tell you this, the article that you buy has been sold and re-sold many times. You will be doing your company no justice at all by buying articles. Article submission websites frown down on this method and will ban you from ever submitting articles again if you are caught.

12) Try not to attack others within your articles:

Being libelous is not good karma. Attacking others will give a negative effect for your articles. In fact, most article submission websites won't accept articles that are libelous.

13) Use copyright information at the bottom of your article:

Adding your copyright information at the top won't help you at all. I've come across many websites that simply delete your copyright information if it is listed at the top. That's what your author bio is for. Add any reprint rights and copyright information within your bio.

14) Affiliate links should never be used:

DO NOT USE AFFILIATE LINKS PERIOD! Promoting affiliate links within articles is a no no. Most article submission websites have a rule against listing affiliate links within author's articles (body content) and your author bio. If you absolutely need to use an affiliate link, try creating a "short link" that simplifies the link into a smaller, more compact link.

15) Setup For Manual Submissions:

Most link submission softwares aren't the answer. There is nothing better than personalizing your submissions by submitting them manually. Granted, this can take up to 2-4 hours per week if you write one article a week BUT submitting manually will get your article listed within two times as many article submission websites than the software's can. Many websites require a login or show you an image to "enter the characters shown" to login and submit articles. By using a software, you will never be able to submit to such companies.

Many article submission websites have different and unique fields that they require for you to enter. If you use a software, you will never have that personal touch that each individual website & editor is looking for and your articles will never be accepted.

If you follow these commandments, you should have no problem getting your articles listed on 1000's of websites and get a great deal of promotion for your company.

Keep writing and keep submitting!


jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

13 Steps to a "Slippery Slope" Online Sales Letter

13 Steps to a "Slippery Slope" Online Sales Letter

Word Count:

Many of the solo professionals whom I coach are people who offer services. They're coaches, consultants, creatives. And many of them are also beginning to sell information products on their Web sites. They're smart to offer a lower-priced alternative to hiring them, and to sell a product that can gain them passive income.

ezine writing, ezine advertising, e-zine advertising, ezine newsletters, ezine marketing, ezines, e-zine, ezine, speaking opportunities

Article Body:
But here's the problem: I see many of them trying to sell their e-book, tutorial, etc. on a regular Web page. They list a paragraph about the info-product and give the price, and they expect a slew of sales.


You need a special sales page that has a "slippery slope" sales letter.

Remember that game Chutes & Ladders? If you landed on a space that had a chute on it, you just went down, Baby. No turning back. That's how your sales letter should be - a "slippery slope" that pulls in the reader because it's so compelling and interesting.

Here's a basic outline of the 13 elements you want to include. To see an example of them all in action,

The visitor should not be distracted by links that take her to your bio, other products, etc. The idea is to keep her on this page, reading your copy and leading her to order. So on this page, only have navigation that relates to the product (e.g. FAQs, Order now).

2. Give a powerful headline.

Your headline can make or break your sales. If it's not compelling, your visitor will click away. Here's an easy headline formula: "How to _________ So You Can ____________." Make sure the 2nd part gives a big benefit, for example, "double your business" or "gain peace of mind."

3. Discuss the problem the prospect has, or incorporate your own story.

Marketers call this "pushing the 'ouch' button." First discuss the problem or pain that the reader has, and then lead in to how your product will solve it. Or share your own failure-to-success story that the reader can empathize with.

4. Tell us who you are.

If I'm going to buy your stuff, I'd like to know why you're qualified to write about this topic. Give me the feeling that you've learned a lot about this topic and want to share it with me.

Even add a picture of yourself and an audio greeting, like I did. These help the reader instantly feel like she knows you better, increasing the "trust factor." And people buy from those they feel they know, like, and trust!

5. Use bullets like mini headlines.

Lay out everything I'll get from your product. Don't just list your table of contents verbatim! Turn each point into an exciting secret. For example, suppose your e-book features 5 tips on how to save money on groceries. That bullet could read, "Revealed: 5 ways you can save hundreds of dollars on your monthly grocery bill."

6. List plenty of testimonials.

Show your prospects they won't be the first to buy. It's more effective to weave-in testimonials throughout your sales letter than to have a separate section for them. Give each person's full name and Web address, and for extra power, post their photo and an audio testimonial as well.

7. Tell us why your product is such a great value.

How does the price of your product compare if I hired you one-on-one? For example, your manual is a great value at $49 if an hour consultation with you would run me $250.

8. Throw in a few great bonuses.

Offer special bonuses (preferably created by you) that are so good you could sell them alone if you wanted to. It could be a list of resources, a collection of articles, extra tips on a certain subject, or a free consu1tation.

9. Give an unconditional guarantee.

This puts your prospect at ease, giving her no reason to NOT buy. A few turkeys will take advantage of your generosity, but the amount of sales you GAIN from this strategy dramatically outweighs the risk.

10. Request immediate action by having a limited time offer just

Some sales pages use trick scripts to make it seem like the offer always ends on that day at midnight, but I find these insulting. If you really will be raising your price soon (and you always should be), list the exact date and stick to it. Otherwise just say it's an introductory, limited-time offer.

11. Make it ABSURDLY CLEAR what to do next.

Nothing bothers me more than when I'm at a Web site, I have my credit card ready, and I can't find the $%#@& order link! Make your order process idiot-proof. Example: "Cl1ck below to 0rder n0w on our secure server." Also sprinkle in order links throughout your page -- some people will be ready to buy before they get to the bottom.

12. Make one last plea.

In your P.S., right after your signature, emphasize that I should act now. For example, "Don't miss out on this great 0pportunity. Remember, you can buy n0w and change your mind at anytime."

13. Don't forget your contact information!

Readers WILL have questions, so provide an e-mail address on your site that you or someone else will check at least daily. Also, don't you feel better buying from a Web site that lists a real address and phone number?

Want More Detailed Step-by-Step Help, With Examples You Can Model?

See my quick-start audio program, "The Secret, Simple Formula to Writing Web Copy That SELLS".


10 Article Writing Keys For Newbies

10 Article Writing Keys For Newbies

Word Count:

BONUS TIP for you:  Along with "the rejection slip" will usually come a suggestion on how to "fix" your article

articles, article writing, writing, author, newbies, Blog, Blog writing, tennessee, mountain man, tennessee mountain man, computer,

Article Body:
This article on the 10 (no, 11... yes, 11) tips for newbies is not written from the catbird seat point of view of the article host or database manager.  Rather it is by and from the perspective of an author who remembers the early misgivings. It is written especially for the beginning article writer.  The Tennessee Mountain Man has written and submitted hundreds of articles for publication to thousands of article hosts and database managers and still finds article writing his nemesis. 

1.  Necessity vs Desire:
Articles and Blogs are necessary in today's scheme of search engine indexing.  Not what the newbie wants to hear.  Just remember what the Bible says, "there has nothing over taken you that is not common to man".  That's right!  All of us hate article and Blog writing at times, and some of us dread the journey to pen and paper (or keyboard as the case may be) all the time. Many a webmaster would call them "a necessary evil" as they are not generally anyone's best liked house keeping chores.

2.  Just Start, It Gets Easier:

First it is sometimes difficult to get a subject or theme and to get the first couple of lines scribbled down.  The Tennessee Mountain Man knows authors who literally get sick thinking about the process.  Lighten up.  Once an author has a starting point and gets passed the initial thoughts, article and Blog writing usually goes fairly smoothly.

The main thing is that you get started.  Pick a subject you know something about and just start.  You will be pleasantly surprised at just how easily ideasflow.  Don't assume everyone knows what you know.  They don't.  Will Rogers once said, "all men are ignorant, just on different subjects".  And, so it is!
3.  Good vs Perfection:

Your old English comp professor is not looking over your shoulder.  This paper does not have to be perfect.  That is not to say it does not have to be on point or to say that it does not have to be correct.  It does or at least it should be.  But, perfection is not the goal and is, in fact, seldom possible.  Too much detail and you run the risk of losing your reader on several levels.  Too long and
most readers simply don't have the time or interest to wade through the material regardless of how important it is.

4.  Blog Length vs Article Length:

Most publishers want a minimum of six hundred (600) words per article - some will let you slide with four hundred (400) words.  Blogs can be much smaller.  Blogs can and maybe should support appropriate pictures and embedded links.

Just don't over do it.  Too gaudy or too slow to load and you have wasted your time, ticked off a potential reader, and probably upset a host who can ban you from their publications.  Articles, on the other hand, typically cannot carry these extra touches according to the requirements of most publishers.

5.  Format:

Prepare your article in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format.  There are many tools from which to choose to get the job done. A search for 'free ASCII editor' or for 'free plain text editors' will provide one with a multitude of free options.  Word Press is a popular choice.  If all else fails simply use notepad to turn out your masterpiece.

6.  Spelling and Grammar:

Once you have your article or Blog run it through a good spell checker and a good grammar checker.  Microsoft Word works well for these purposes.  Just don't use the MS Word copy for publication of your article.  Rather use it's suggestions to make any necessary corrections to your plain text copy.  The MS Word copy will work for Blogs although the Computerman prefers other editors.

Just like the days when you were pushed by Profs, you will find Article and Blog writing skills become easier with time and practice.

7.  Publish and Announce:

Once your Blog is ready you may want to use some automatic tools to publish and announce it.  First do a search for Blog hosts and select those which best suit your needs.  Join one or more and publish your Blog there.  Then search for Blog announcers and rss announcers and use them to get your Blog noticed.

Now that you have that out of the way find an article wizard that will post your Articles to free publishers.  You can post them one at a time by hand if you are really bored and have absolutely nothing else in life to do.  Using an automatic poster you can publish to hundreds of hosts in an hour or so.  The only way to go.

8.  Patience:

Now, have some patience.  Here is where you lose control.  Many of the men and women who host articles are timely and your articles will be reviewed within twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours.  But, many others will be days and weeks down the road therefore never date an article - a sure way to get rejected.

9.  Rejection - "sorry your article has been declined":

Be prepared for most hosts to reject your articles.  Do not take it personally.  It usually has little to do with you or your article. 

Some databases routinely reject articles for spelling errors when there are none or where there is more than way to spell a word.  And, just as in any other endeavor some hosts are simply too lazy and get so far behind, the easiest and fastest thing to do (and perhaps the only alternative) is to reject everything.  You will learn who these are over time.

Then there are those who run your articles through the sausage grinder and if they find certain words, irrespective of how they are used, your article gets no farther.  These are the people who can't publish the Holy Bible because it contains words that offend them or their readers.  Don't worry about these folks who are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly use.
Remember, just as in everything else in life, for every rule there is an exception

10.  Keep the faith, and keep cranking out articles:

Since most authors, especially newbies, prepare only one copy of an article against the advice of most seasoned authors it is important that the newbie keep his chin up - keep the faith.  That will be easier as more and more of your articles are accepted and published driving visitors to your website while creating those all important back links.

It is not necessary that every host to accept everything submitted to them.  After one or two hosts publish your article on any given subject, the search engines tend to penalize you anyway by ignoring additional postings.  This is close to spamming and while it could help someone find you, it probably won't.  It is not necessarily, the more the merrier.  The additional listings will not increase your page rankings or links reported by the search engines.  It is more important to get published by hosts with the highest Google page rank possible.

Now, one BONUS TIP for you:  Along with "the rejection slip" will usually come a suggestion on how to "fix" your article and a  request that you resubmit it.  Don't waste your time.  While trying comply with one database manager's request you could have written a new article from which you get much more punch.  Enough publishers will pick your article up so move on and save yourself some time and heartburn.

Everybody has a thought or idea at least once a day usually at the most inopportune time.  How many good ideas have you lost because of waiting?  Don't procrastinate!  Go!  Capture that thought before it is gone forever.


miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

11 Quick (and Good) Content Ideas for Your Ezine or Website

11 Quick (and Good) Content Ideas for Your Ezine or Website

Word Count:

While I'm sure that sometimes you have dozens of content ideas, I bet other times you find yourself staring at a blank computer screen, grumbling that it's publishing time again. Well, have no fear! Here are 11 quick (and good) content ideas for when you're in a pinch.

ezine writing, ezine advertising, e-zine advertising, ezine newsletters, ezine marketing, ezines, e-zine, ezine, speaking opportunities

Article Body:
Publishing articles, especially via an e-zine, is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreading the word about your services and products.

While I'm sure that sometimes you have dozens of content ideas, I bet other times you find yourself staring at a blank computer screen, grumbling that it's publishing time again. Well, have no fear! Here are 11 quick (and good) content ideas for when you're in a pinch.

1. Give real-life success stories.
Describe a problem you've solved for a client/customer, and use that as a springboard to offer more general advice. Show your readers how you've helped customers address challenges -- "case studies" if you will. This positions you as the expert in your readers' minds more than your coming out and saying so.

2. Think of three areas in which you'd like your clients to think of you as a resource.
Now develop content in those areas. For example, in my past life as a professional copywriter, I really enjoyed writing for Web sites. To help encourage my clients and prospects to hire me for these projects, I published several articles on how to write Web copy that sells.

3. Read industry publications for ideas.
Are there any hot issues in your field right now? The more controversial, the better. Don't be afraid to offer your own opinion -- your readers want to know it. After all, YOU are the expert in their eyes.

4. Jot down 8 questions your clients have asked you in the past.
You know, the ones they ask you over and over. Answer each in a short article. If you publish weekly, that's two months' worth of content, right off the bat! And if you can't think of any questions, send all your current clients/customers a quick e-mail, asking them what topics they're most interested in learning more about.

5. Learn anything neat lately from an industry conference, workshop, seminar, or insightful article?
No one says you have to reinvent the wheel of information! Pass on any gems of advice you've learned elsewhere -- just give them full attribution. Or give your opinion of the event or article itself. Your readers will appreciate your frankness.

6. Offer a list of your top 5 or 10 tips on a certain subject.
It's much easier to bang out a list of tips than to put together a real article. Of course, the tips can evolve into an article if you wish! Be sure to list your best tip first, or at least close to the top. (If you "fire your biggest gun" last, you risk losing your audience before they get to the good stuff.)

7. Interview associates whose expertise would interest your readers
(while not competing with yours). E-mail interviews are incredibly easy to do. Just send your interviewee 3 to 5 questions via e-mail, edit their answers, and have them approve the final version. Be sure to give them a short plug in your e-zine as a thank you. (A one- or two-sentence description of their business and their Web address should be fine.)

8. Recommend books and resources that you use, and offer full reviews on them.In one issue of my old
>, "AKB MarCom Tips," I featured reviews of my favorite four copywriting resource books. I'm glad I also gave my associate links, because I ended up making some nice commission, to boot!

9. Invite clients or readers to write you with their own questions, and answer one in each issue.
Right after their question, publish the person's name, business, and Web address, with their permission. They'll enjoy the attention and free publicity!

10. Invite readers to send in profiles.
Ask them to tell you about themselves -- their names, businesses, locations, and how they use the information gained in your e-zine. Feature one profile in each issue or one every few issues.

11. When all else fails, borrow an article!
There are dozens of Web sites offering hundreds of articles that you can use in your e-zine. The articles are free and available for you to use immediately. The only catch is you're required to leave the entire article intact, including the author's promotional information. One of my favorite places to search for articles last note: Keep in mind that if your e-zine's main objective is to get you more clients and customers, you should NOT feature other writers' articles more than once in a blue moon. Remember our main goal is to continually showcase YOU.


10 Article Writing Keys For Newbies

10 Article Writing Keys For Newbies

Word Count:

BONUS TIP for you:  Along with "the rejection slip" will usually come a suggestion on how to "fix" your article

articles, article writing, writing, author, newbies, Blog, Blog writing, tennessee, mountain man, tennessee mountain man, computer,

Article Body:
This article on the 10 (no, 11... yes, 11) tips for newbies is not written from the catbird seat point of view of the article host or database manager.  Rather it is by and from the perspective of an author who remembers the early misgivings. It is written especially for the beginning article writer.  The Tennessee Mountain Man has written and submitted hundreds of articles for publication to thousands of article hosts and database managers and still finds article writing his nemesis. 

1.  Necessity vs Desire:
Articles and Blogs are necessary in today's scheme of search engine indexing.  Not what the newbie wants to hear.  Just remember what the Bible says, "there has nothing over taken you that is not common to man".  That's right!  All of us hate article and Blog writing at times, and some of us dread the journey to pen and paper (or keyboard as the case may be) all the time. Many a webmaster would call them "a necessary evil" as they are not generally anyone's best liked house keeping chores.

2.  Just Start, It Gets Easier:

First it is sometimes difficult to get a subject or theme and to get the first couple of lines scribbled down.  The Tennessee Mountain Man knows authors who literally get sick thinking about the process.  Lighten up.  Once an author has a starting point and gets passed the initial thoughts, article and Blog writing usually goes fairly smoothly.

The main thing is that you get started.  Pick a subject you know something about and just start.  You will be pleasantly surprised at just how easily ideasflow.  Don't assume everyone knows what you know.  They don't.  Will Rogers once said, "all men are ignorant, just on different subjects".  And, so it is!
3.  Good vs Perfection:

Your old English comp professor is not looking over your shoulder.  This paper does not have to be perfect.  That is not to say it does not have to be on point or to say that it does not have to be correct.  It does or at least it should be.  But, perfection is not the goal and is, in fact, seldom possible.  Too much detail and you run the risk of losing your reader on several levels.  Too long and
most readers simply don't have the time or interest to wade through the material regardless of how important it is.

4.  Blog Length vs Article Length:

Most publishers want a minimum of six hundred (600) words per article - some will let you slide with four hundred (400) words.  Blogs can be much smaller.  Blogs can and maybe should support appropriate pictures and embedded links.

Just don't over do it.  Too gaudy or too slow to load and you have wasted your time, ticked off a potential reader, and probably upset a host who can ban you from their publications.  Articles, on the other hand, typically cannot carry these extra touches according to the requirements of most publishers.

5.  Format:

Prepare your article in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format.  There are many tools from which to choose to get the job done. A search for 'free ASCII editor' or for 'free plain text editors' will provide one with a multitude of free options.  Word Press is a popular choice.  If all else fails simply use notepad to turn out your masterpiece.

6.  Spelling and Grammar:

Once you have your article or Blog run it through a good spell checker and a good grammar checker.  Microsoft Word works well for these purposes.  Just don't use the MS Word copy for publication of your article.  Rather use it's suggestions to make any necessary corrections to your plain text copy.  The MS Word copy will work for Blogs although the Computerman prefers other editors.

Just like the days when you were pushed by Profs, you will find Article and Blog writing skills become easier with time and practice.

7.  Publish and Announce:

Once your Blog is ready you may want to use some automatic tools to publish and announce it.  First do a search for Blog hosts and select those which best suit your needs.  Join one or more and publish your Blog there.  Then search for Blog announcers and rss announcers and use them to get your Blog noticed.

Now that you have that out of the way find an article wizard that will post your Articles to free publishers.  You can post them one at a time by hand if you are really bored and have absolutely nothing else in life to do.  Using an automatic poster you can publish to hundreds of hosts in an hour or so.  The only way to go.

8.  Patience:

Now, have some patience.  Here is where you lose control.  Many of the men and women who host articles are timely and your articles will be reviewed within twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours.  But, many others will be days and weeks down the road therefore never date an article - a sure way to get rejected.

9.  Rejection - "sorry your article has been declined":

Be prepared for most hosts to reject your articles.  Do not take it personally.  It usually has little to do with you or your article. 

Some databases routinely reject articles for spelling errors when there are none or where there is more than way to spell a word.  And, just as in any other endeavor some hosts are simply too lazy and get so far behind, the easiest and fastest thing to do (and perhaps the only alternative) is to reject everything.  You will learn who these are over time.

Then there are those who run your articles through the sausage grinder and if they find certain words, irrespective of how they are used, your article gets no farther.  These are the people who can't publish the Holy Bible because it contains words that offend them or their readers.  Don't worry about these folks who are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly use.
Remember, just as in everything else in life, for every rule there is an exception

10.  Keep the faith, and keep cranking out articles:

Since most authors, especially newbies, prepare only one copy of an article against the advice of most seasoned authors it is important that the newbie keep his chin up - keep the faith.  That will be easier as more and more of your articles are accepted and published driving visitors to your website while creating those all important back links.

It is not necessary that every host to accept everything submitted to them.  After one or two hosts publish your article on any given subject, the search engines tend to penalize you anyway by ignoring additional postings.  This is close to spamming and while it could help someone find you, it probably won't.  It is not necessarily, the more the merrier.  The additional listings will not increase your page rankings or links reported by the search engines.  It is more important to get published by hosts with the highest Google page rank possible.

Now, one BONUS TIP for you:  Along with "the rejection slip" will usually come a suggestion on how to "fix" your article and a  request that you resubmit it.  Don't waste your time.  While trying comply with one database manager's request you could have written a new article from which you get much more punch.  Enough publishers will pick your article up so move on and save yourself some time and heartburn.

Everybody has a thought or idea at least once a day usually at the most inopportune time.  How many good ideas have you lost because of waiting?  Don't procrastinate!  Go!  Capture that thought before it is gone forever.


lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

9 Steps to Unique Articles

9 Steps to Unique Articles

Word Count:

1 Remove your limits

Reduce your subject to a single core word and then brainstorm around it. For example, if you're trying to write about "Study Skills", expand your thinking to "School". Now jot down everything that comes to mind when you think about School, and when you run out of ideas start asking yourself open questions around the subject and noting your answers.

writing articles, article,

Article Body:
1 Remove your limits

Reduce your subject to a single core word and then brainstorm around it. For example, if you're trying to write about "Study Skills", expand your thinking to "School". Now jot down everything that comes to mind when you think about School, and when you run out of ideas start asking yourself open questions around the subject and noting your answers.


What did I enjoy about school?
What scared me?
What did I wish I'd known from Day 1?

This will help you get back into the mindset of someone struggling with school issues of all kinds and you'll start to get a feel for their concerns and worries.

2 Restore your focus

Once you've started to understand the general feelings of your readers, allow your mind to focus back on your original topic of Study Skills. From your new perspective, what questions would you ask? What would you want to know? Is this really a "Studying" issue or is it more about Time Management or being able to work without distractions or being paralyzed by the fear of not doing well?

3 Be your audience

Write each question on a separate sheet of paper; don't stop until you have at least ten and preferably more. Stay in the mindset of your readers until you feel you've asked every major question that concerns them.

4 Take a step back

Put your pile of question aside for a few hours, overnight if possible. Don't consciously think about them; just go about your day as usual. Give your subconscious time to process them without any further prompting from you. If new questions come to mind jot them down somewhere safe and then forget about them.

5 Get out your pen and write

When you're ready, sit down with your pages of questions and simply start to answer them. Writing your answers by hand can give you access to ideas that might be missed if you type them. Don't edit yourself at this stage. Using Speech to Text software or a digital recorder can also be helpful in bypassing the internal editor.

Imagine someone sitting in front of you asking for advice and just talk to them. Keep your tone natural and conversational and stay with the question-and-answer format.

6 Edit lightly

Trust your first instincts. Proof-read and correct any obvious errors, but don't do any major editing until your piece has had time to "sit" for a while. Again, leaving it overnight will give you a fresh perspective the next time you look at it, but even if your deadline doesn't allow for that it's important to give yourself a break from it.

When you're pushed for time, writing several articles at one sitting can create enough change of focus to make you "forget" the one you've just written.

7 Polish it up

Short articles are unlikely to need major editing if you've written them as described here. They will flow easily and naturally already and having each Q & A on a separate sheet makes it easier to select only the ones you want. Your job now is to put them in a reasonably logical sequence and make sure they're understandable and that the reader is led smoothly from one question and answer to the next.

8 Top and tail it

Write a brief introductory paragraph as a "teaser" for the main article. Many article directories now put the first paragraph of each piece into RSS feeds which are picked up by other websites, so you'll want to make sure that your two or three major keywords appear at least once in that first paragraph.

Write another short paragraph to summarize the major points of the article and provide some ideas for the reader to explore the subject further.


8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Sending Article To Ezine Publishers.

8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Sending Article To Ezine Publishers.

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#Make your article published; avoid some mistakes that many article authors did.

article publishing, article writing , article announce

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#Make your article published; avoid some mistakes that many article authors did.

Sending successful article to ezine publishers could exposed your website to thousands of subscribers even millions of readers online.

However, to do this successful, you must compete with others internet marketers. They also send articles to the same ezine publishers like yours.

The question is...How to make your article stand out of the crowd?


Your article goes to the trash bin.

Here are common mistakes many article authors did. 

Mistake #1- Wrong-targeted niche market
Many article authors sent their article to the wrong-targeted niche market. Send your article to the targeted audience. Do not try to blast your article to all ezine publishers. For instance, as an ezine editor I received many articles do not related to internet marketing. Therefore, I'm not published it.

Mistake #2- No Subject
You do not write your article headline on your subject email. Many article authors send their article without subject line. Instead of writing "New Article submission" "article for your publication," consider "New article – 6 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Sending Article To Ezine Publishers."

Mistake #3- Not unique
Your article content is a blatant idea. Topic you write it like the others publishers and not much different. Make your article fresh and unique. Learn something new in your market. Convert what you learnt into a unique article. You could write article on topic "how to," "Tips" or anything that come to your mind. Even on article, title "how to avoid SPAM," "how to hack hackers back." 

Mistake #4- Advertising article
Your article more on promoting your product or affiliate program you join. Writing advertising article only will kill your business online. Give your website info only on your resource box. Give something free like free e-books, free report, or free download. Make your readers visit your website to receive their free bonus.

Mistake #5- Lack of valuable information
Your article does not educate your targeted audience. People subscribe to ezine to receive valuable information. If they receive information on topic they do not want, not educate them at all, they will unsubscribe. Therefore, ezine publishers will not publish your article. Many ezine publishers provide information as best as they can to their subscribers.

Mistake #6- Spelling problem
There are too many spelling errors on your article. Sending article with too many spelling errors only waste your time. Check, your article twice before publishes it. You could use spell-checking software.

Go to the major search engine and type "free spell-checking."Most word processor today built in with spelling check. For instance, MS Office can check the misspell words for you with underline red color.

Mistake #7- Without format
Make sure your article format 65 characters per line. Length of your article must between 500-750 words. Formatting your article will make for ezine publisher easy to copy and paste it. You could send your article through MS Outlook Express.

Go to "tools" menu and click "Options." Click "Send" tab and choose mail-sending format to "plain text." Then click "plain text setting" tab, select 65 characters for automatically wrap text when sending email.

Mistakes #8- No Personalize message
Personalize your email message with a short cover letter. Personalization your emails are very important because many ezine publishers receive hundreds of article submission every day. Also, include your article information in your personalize message.

Avoiding those mistakes above will make your article successful published by many ezine publishers on the net. Good luck.


viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

7 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From TV Infomercials

7 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From TV Infomercials

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You may think of these often annoying programs as "trash TV", but think again. Did you realize that they use many of the exact same strategies that we should?

ezine writing, ezine advertising, e-zine advertising, ezine newsletters, ezine marketing, ezines, e-zine, ezine, speaking opportunities

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I hate to share this, but I love watching infomercials. And I've ordered more than once from them! Everything from cosmetics to a cell phone accessory.

When pressed, my friends admit the same. If you sniff around most people's homes, you'll find SOMETHING ordered from an infomercial, whether it's the Ronco Rotisserie or Victoria Principal's skincare.

You may think of these often annoying programs as "trash TV", but think again. Did you realize that they use many of the exact same strategies that we should?

Now, I don't mean you need to scream at your customers or flash "$19.95" in blinking digits on your website! Those are gimmicks. But what most people don't realize is that many of the STRATEGIES that sell the kitchen doohickey gadget are the same ones that can also sell your products and programs.)

Here are 7 of my favorites:

1. They grab your attention.

Infomercials air on the most challenging medium there is out there: television. You're just a second away from your prospect clicking their remote to the next channel. So they do their best to get your attention right away and KEEP it for as long as possible.

That's why infomercials give bold statements and emphasize how this doohickey will change your life. You should do this too -- stop beating around the bush and make it clear to your prospects how your products and services will change *their* lives!

2. They give tons of real-life testimonials.

You'll see that TV infomercials have evolved greatly since years ago. It used to be one or two people talking to a camera for the entire time. These days most typical 30 minute spots are over 80% customer testimonials! And that's for good reason... they are the hands-down BEST way to gain instant credibility.

A great example is for one of those home exercise machines. I noticed years ago they just showed the super-ripped guy using it on the infomercial. Now they show that guy, PLUS dozens of before and after testimonials from real-life guys with beer bellies and real jobs who used the product with success. That was a great move on their part, because c'mon, I just can't believe that super-ripped guy got that hot looking using it just 30 minutes, 3 times a week!

3. They use personalities.

The most successful infomercials now use celebrity guest hosts. They know this gets people's attention more than practically anything out there. Pro Activ uses Jessica Simpson. Youthful Essence (a skincare product I love) uses Susan Lucci. Even NutriSystem is now using Dan Marino in their commercials to target men.

You can do the same in your marketing. You can either hire a star, or even better, make YOURSELF the celebrity... by sharing stories, being personal, and having fun with your market.

4. They give an irresistible offer.

It's rare these days to see an infomercial asking for you to pay for something in full. You'll mostly see things like "3 payments of $19.95" or "4 payments of $39.95". Why? Cash-crunched Americans are always more concerned about cash flow than the total price. They'll even happily pay much MORE in the end in order to gain a lower monthly payment!

You can do the same. Offer a payment plan for your products, courses, workshops, and coaching. You'll be AMAZED at the increased response, and it's easy to do with marketing-savvy shopping cart systems.

5. They give a strong call-to-action NOW.

These folks know that as soon as you change the channel, you're going to forget about their product. So they make it very urgent that you pick up the phone and call them now or visit their website and order. They usually say something like "If you call in the next 10 minutes you also get..." and they list a few great bonuses.

This isn't just specific to TV. Everyone would rather put off ANY decision these days, we're all so busy and overwhelmed! So you need to give people a good REASON to act now, whether it's a discount that expires, a payment plan that expires, a limited number of products or seats, a special bonus... you get the idea.

6. They sell on continuity.

What's "continuity"?  it's when you make ONE sale that results in multiple charges over and over. For example, because my friends have been raving about I.D. Bare Minerals natural makeup, I recently ordered a kit from their infomercial. Now, every 2 months, I receive a fresh supply in the mail, and my card is charged again. I love it because I don't have to remember to reorder. They love it because they only had to make ONE sale, and how they've got me as a customer forever until I cancel!

Hear me now... continuity will change your life! Consider how you can use this principle in your business. Could you convert some of your current offerings into a monthly membership? Or instead of doing one-shot teleseminars, create an ongoing monthly program? (I did this with my Marketing & Motivation Mastermind.)

7. They repeat themselves. And repeat themselves.

And repeat themselves again! Smart marketers know it takes an average of 9 TIMES for someone to see/hear your message BEFORE they will even consider purchasing! That goes for you too. So many of my clients complain that advertising doesn't work when they only ran one ad ONCE. Or published ONE newsletter and it didn't get them results.

Remember it's the ongoing exposure and repetition that breeds familiarity and trust with your prospects! And that leads to more sales than you've ever imagined.


jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

6 Red Hot Tips To Get Your Articles Read

6 Red Hot Tips To Get Your Articles Read

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There are many people who dread having to write papers or articles. Many just feel like it seems to be too much work and it all just goes to waste when no one reads the. To some people, reading articles seems like work to, especially if the article is boring and very bland. Well, articles are supposed to be read, that's their purpose to impart your message and information. If it is not read then it is a waste of time and effort

writers,authors,articles,free,free articles,free article directory,reprint rights,re-print,reprint,ezine,newsletter,content,free content

Article Body:
There are many people who dread having to write papers or articles. Many just feel like it seems to be too much work and it all just goes to waste when no one reads the. To some people, reading articles seems like work to, especially if the article is boring and very bland. Well, articles are supposed to be read, that's their purpose to impart your message and information. If it is not read then it is a waste of time and effort.

But all the same, articles have to be written to be read. It's just a matter of making them good. Making a good article doesn't have to be strenuous and straining. There are just some points needed to be reminded of, and some guides to follow. Once you get the hang of it, writing articles could be fun, as well as profitable for you and your site.

Of course, writing articles must be about something you know about, that's why if you own a site, you probably is knowledgeable about that certain topic and theme. When you write about it, you won't have a hard time because you already know what it is and what it's about. It's just a matter of making your articles creative and interesting.

To make sure that your articles get read and enjoyed, here are six red hot tips to get your articles read. These tips will make your articles readable and interesting.

1) Use short paragraphs. When the paragraph are very long, the words get jumbled in the mind of the reader just looking at it It can get quite confusing and too much of a hard work to read. The reader will just quickly disregard the paragraph and move on to much easier reading articles that are good to look at as well as read. Paragraphs can be a single sentence, sometimes even a single word!

2) Make use of numbers or bullets. As each point is stressed out, numbers and bullets can quickly make the point easy to              remember and digest. As each point, tip, guide or method is started with a bullet or point, readers will know that this is where the tips start and getting stressed. Format you bullets and numbers with indentations so that your4 article won't look like a single block of square paragraphs. Add a little bit of flair and pizzazz to your articles shape.

3) Use Sub-headings to sub-divide your paragraphs in the page. Doing this will break each point into sections but still would be incorporated into one whole article. It would also be easy for the reader to move on from one point to another; the transition would be smooth and easy. You will never lose your readers attention as well as the point and direction to where the article is pointing.

4) Provide a good attention-grabbing title or header. If your title can entice a person's curiosity you're already halfway in getting a person to read your article. Use statements and questions that utilize keywords that people are looking for. Provide titles or headers that describe your articles content but should also be short and concise.

Use titles like, "Tips on making her want you more", or "How to make her swoon and blush" .You could also use titles that can command people, for example, "Make her yours in six easy Ways". These types of titles reach out to a persons' emotions and makes them interested.

5) Keep them interested from the start to the finish. From your opening paragraph, use real life situations that can be adopted by the reader. Use good descriptions and metaphors to drive in your point, just don't over do it. Driving your examples with graphic metaphors and similes would make it easy for them to imagine what you are talking about. Making the experience pleasurable and enjoyable for them.

6) Utilize figures when necessary and not just ordinary and insipid statements. Using specific facts and figures can heighten your article because it makes it authoritative. But do not make it too formal, it should be light and easy in them and flow. Like a friendly teac her having a little chat with an eager student.



3 Things You Really Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

3 Things You Really Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

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To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.



Article Body:
To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers.

This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles more easily. Though this is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, which is only half of the story.

Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.

But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary and most important purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article, then make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing better contents.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your site. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from that same articles?

Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. Some are even using anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is important to know that majority of the directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the quality of your work. Better search engine results also are great benefits.

But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.
Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.

Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.
Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content ones geared on a narrow group of people.

Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.


miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

3 Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles

3 Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles

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Come on, admit it: Whether you're a professional writer or not we all draw a blank when we want to write an ezine article.

I've found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine article and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you've been hoping for. Here's how to get the lead out if you draw a blank:

1. Write your action steps first.
Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. T...

article, marketing, article marketing,ezine,e-mail,newsletter,advice,small business,small,business

Article Body:
Come on, admit it: Whether you're a professional writer or not we all draw a blank when we want to write an ezine article.

I've found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine article and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you've been hoping for. Here's how to get the lead out if you draw a blank:

1. Write your action steps first.
Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. There's no use in cleverly leading a reader into an article that has no real value to them. So start where you build your credibility, right in the action steps. Of course you want to identify your subject and then tell them how to make their lives easier. For instance, plumbers are always going to have to fix pipes, it's the nature of their business. If you have an ezine to others in the plumbing industry, write about a new technique in the industry on sealing pipes or preparing them for the winter, etc.

2. Save the best for last.
There's something called takeaway or take-home that should be in every one of your articles. It's your last chance to tell your audience, "I know my stuff." Try to put that key piece of information in the last paragraph of your article and you'll want it to be something your reader can do as soon as he or she finishes reading your article. If you're writing to accounts payable clerks, you'd tell them ways to get each department to get approvals on all purchase orders before submitting them. A/P clerks would just eat that up. It's their number one gripe. Bottom line: Give your audience something they can do immediately at the very end of your article. They'll remember your name and become devotees for life- hanging from your every word.

3. Get excited about the benefits.
After you've taken care of the credibility building portion of your article, you have to draw the reader in and whet their appetite for all this great information. By the way, if you write the action steps and take-home first, this part will be easier because you'll be so excited about the information you'll see the benefits of it. And that's what writing lead paragraphs and headlines is all about: benefits to your readers.

Your final take-home advice
No matter what you do, when you're writing to an ezine audience, always include an "About the Author" blurb (some call this a sig file, short for signature file) and a plug for anything new you're into. To do this, determine what you want the reader to do after he or she is finished reading. Do you want the to subscribe to your ezine? Buy your new ebook? Or just visit or site? Whatever the benefit to you is, identify it before you write your "About the Author" section. And you can write this at any time because it's separate from the article and you can use the same "About the Author" blurb for multiple articles. As a matter of fact, you could write one right now. Check out the one I'm using at the bottom of this article.

(c) 2003-2005 Lisa Sparks


3 Simple Steps to Dramatically Improved Writing

3 Simple Steps to Dramatically Improved Writing

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How can you reach and transform your audience with your writing? Are you writing as an amateur, or as a professional? Learn three simple steps that will improve your writing and help you to move your audience.

writing, improving writing, improve your writing, writer, writers, transformational writing

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Amateur writers write for the sake of writing. While this may create copious amounts of inconsequential content or provide them personal pleasure, it does nothing to increase business prospects, improve the world, or move their audience to take action.

So what is the goal of great writing, and how can it change your presentations? Professional writers always have one main goal in mind with everything they write: to transform their audience. Great writers strive to help their audience see through different eyes, act differently, change the way they interact with the world.

Anyone can throw words together and make complete sentences (case in point: most of the blogosphere), but if you want to actually have impact through your writing, you must learn to write for transformation. It's the difference between being merely informative and being compelling and persuasive. There are three simple steps to transformational writing: 1) writing for a specific audience, 2) using the right venue, and 3) choosing and executing the right type of transformation (there are three).

1. Specific Audience

If you want to reach your audience, it's absolutely crucial that you understand them, get out of your own perspective, and write to their perspective. One of the first things I do with every piece I write is identify my target audience, things such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, location, income level, purchasing habits, hobbies, talents, interests, etc.

When I know who I'm talking to, I'm prepared to custom tailor the message to resonate with them specifically. For example, words such as "revolutionary," "cutting-edge," "fresh," or "in vogue" will more likely resonate with an 18-25 age group, whereas a 60-70 age group will probably have negative reactions to them, who prefer things that are "proven," "safe," and "sensible."

2. The Right Venue

By venue I mean the medium used to convey your message, including such things as magazines, newspapers, journals, books, radio and TV ads, blogs, websites, etc. The venue you choose is, in large part, determined by your audience.

For example, if I'm writing a lengthy article on monetary policy intended for scholars and economists, the best venue is probably a scholarly journal. Few people can stand to read long blocks of meaningful text on a computer screen, I probably won't have enough space to make my case in most magazines, etc. On the other hand, if my content is concise, simple, and intended for a broad audience, perhaps a newspaper article makes sense.

All of us are exposed to written communications that we skim or ignore, yet if that same message is presented in a venue more palatable to us, we're much more likely to spend time reading it. Writing for transformation requires utilizing the best venue for our subject matter and audience.

3. The Right Transformation

There are three types of transformations: know, feel, and do. A know transformation seeks to give the readers new information, or old information arranged in a different way, to help them to learn and know things they didn't know before, in such a way that changes their life and perspective. A feel transformation obviously seeks to evoke strong emotion in the audience, while a do is designed to get an audience to take very specific, immediate, and tangible action.

Amateurs look at this list and try to do all three; professionals focus on one and nail it, because doing so affects the others. How do you want people's lives to change because they read your message? What do you want to see occur in them? Do you primarily want them to know, feel, or do something? Pick one–yes, just one–and execute it well, and the others will take care of themselves.

If you want your message to actually have impact, you must learn to write for transformation. Know who you're writing to, use the right venue to reach them, and choose the right transformation and execute it well. After all, transformational writing is the only writing worth reading.