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sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Don’t Be Afraid of Your Topic…

Don't Be Afraid of Your Topic…

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It is difficult to say what is better: to work on the assigned topic or to hesitate which to choose? It depends. We are sure you will determine which variant suits you best. Our aim is to provide you with information that will facilitate your writing procedure.

college term papers, custom term papers

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Have you ever thought why another term papers causes your distress? You just saw its confusing title and it seems to make no sense to you. Or you can't decide what topic to choose from a countless number of options spinning in your mind. Yes, I will agree with you that sometimes the choice and misunderstanding of the topic are the main hindrances in producing a good writing. But we should overcome this barrier. We will see how to get the meaning of the assigned topic and to choose a winning topic. Your paper suggests a complete exposure of the topic. Sometimes you need just to understand it and that is all.

Try reading the topic several times and find key word in it, that is the nucleus of your topic. Relate the key word to a specific academic discipline. As you see, careful thinking over the topic helps you to understand that it is not that difficult. Before the main stage of the writing process you should memorize the title of your topic. While working on your paper repeat it constantly and that way you will not get off the point. In many cases teachers give you an opportunity to select the topic on your own. It is difficult to say what is better: to work on the assigned topic or to hesitate which to choose? It depends. We are sure you will determine which variant suits you best. Our aim is to provide you with information that will facilitate your writing procedure.

As you are choosing the topic take into consideration the following ideas: 1) You will never produce a good paper if you don't feel enthusiastic about the topic. Your choice should be based on the area of your personal interests, preferences and the subjects that appeal to you. 2) Don't choose the complicated topic. You will waste a lot of precious time in search of necessary information and even more time to make some sense of it. Besides there is a risk of finding nothing and then all you have to is to order 3) Narrow your topic.

It is impossible to cover a general topic in your paper. Extract more specific and particular issue from a general topic. That way you will have an opportunity to give a deeper and more detailed discussion of the question. 4) Your topic should give opportunities for doing your independent research, in which you will demonstrate your skills and abilities to collect, assemble, generalize and analyze facts and documents. We want to wish you inspiration, concentration and not so much perspiration with your term paper. Remember, when you make a choice it must be the best!



Do You Want Your Articles to be Read? Do This

Do You Want Your Articles to be Read? Do This

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The titles of your articles should invite further attention, not a yawn. It may take a little more time to come up with an interesting and compelling title, but it is well worth your time.

writing articles, article writing, getting traffic, free traffic, how to write and article, write and article a day, how to write and ebook

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Remember the old riddle, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a noise?" If you write articles, ask yourself, "If I write a great article and no one reads it, does it still do its job?"

The simple answer is: NO!

You could be the best article writer, but if the title of your article is just a boring label it will not attract attention and all of your effort will go down the drain.


The next time you are waiting in line at the supermarket, read the article titles on the covers of the women's magazines and figure out what it is about them that attracts millions of sales each week. Which titles attract your attention and why?

The best titles will always offer to solve a problem, tell the reader how to get something he or she wants. or warn of a big problem the reader might experience if they don't read the article.

It is clear that the most important words any article writer will write are the ones in the title. In fact, the title of an article can either attract or repel readers.

Here are two sets of headlines to analyze:
"Activities Kids Enjoy" OR "Give Your Kids A Summer To Remember"

"Make Staying Healthy A Priority" OR "5 Symptoms You Can't Ignore"

In each case, the titles refer to the same topic, but the second one conveys a benefit that the potential reader desires. They use the word "you" to make the appeal more personal. One appeals to a parent's desire to "give" to their children (emotional) and the other peaks curiosity and fear.

Chances are, you would choose to read the second article titles over the first ones if they both popped up in a search engine.


The titles of your articles should invite further attention, not a yawn. It may take a little more time to come up with an interesting and compelling title, but it is well worth your time.

There are several ways to generate article titles that stand out from the crowd and get read. Here are a few examples:
--Use numbers, such as "5 Steps to True Happiness" or "3 Good Reasons to Choose Fixed Insurance Over Variable." You don't have to limit number titles to list-style articles. Nearly any article can be broken up into a number of steps or reasons.
--Create a play on words using a popular phrase. For example, an article about how to wash the outside of your second-floor windows might be titled "Don't Let Window Washing be a Pane in Your Neck."

--Make your title a question: "Can You Really Make Money Online?"

--Compare something to something else: "Why Apples are Just Like Oranges."

--Fill in the blank: "How To (Blank)," "From (Blank) to (Blank)," or "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About (Blank)."



jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Daido Moriyama - Modern Legend

Daido Moriyama - Modern Legend

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Daido Moriyama and his impact on Japanese photography. His humble beginnings in Osake  have helped him become one of Japans best photographers and artists.

moriyama, japanese, work, photography, american, pictures, culture, klein, moved, photographer, vision, presence, own, new, --, culture specifically japanese, thus pictures, specifically japanese, culture specifically, japanese thus,

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Although Moriyama's work is well known in Nippon where he is one of the country's major photographers, his photography has only been sporadically and incompletely exhibited outside Japan, and it has not received the full critical congratulation it so richly deserves.

Born in the port city of Osaka in 1938, Moriyama turned to photography at the age of twenty-one and moved to Tokyo to work with the eminent photographer Eikoh Hosoe. Early in his career, Moriyama became acquainted with the work of both William Klein and Andy Warhol. He appreciated their new vision and transformed it through his own personal perspective. The energy and dynamic modernity Moriyama found in the emotional, even hostile pictures Klein made of his native New York delighted the young Japanese photographer, as did the perception of a voyeuristic media culture in Warhol's work.

Moriyama's pictures are taken in the streets of Japan's major cities. Made with a small, hand-held camera, they reveal the speed with which they were snapped. Often the frame is deliberately not straight,  the grain pronounced, and the contrast emphasized. Among his city images are those shot in poorly lit bars, strip clubs, on the streets or in alleyways, with the movement of the subject creating a blurred suggestion of a form rather than a distinct figure.

Moriyama's style was also part of this intense period in Japanese art. Much of the work produced in Japan in theater, film, literature, art, and photography appears radical today as it represented a clear disjunction from the past. Japanese artistic production of the 1960s and 1970s was deeply affected by the American occupation and its conflicting messages of democracy and control, of peaceful coexistence, and of the strong American presence in Asia during the Vietnam War.

Radical artists, including Moriyama, sought a firm break with the highly regulated Japanese society that was responsible for the war, as well as an affirmation of the vitality of a pre-modern culture that was specifically Japanese. Thus, the pictures Moriyama took of the American Navy base Yokosuka -- reflecting the freedom he saw there -- and the stray dog near the Air Force base at Misawa acknowledge both the exhiliarating newness of the modern experience and its rawness.

In the early 1980s, his work moved away from the ambiguity and graininess of his earlier photographs toward a bleaker, more distinct vision, as evidenced in the Light and Shadow series.Moriyama stretches the boundaries of photography and peers into the dark and blurry places that scare us. Moriyama delivers great gritty black and white photos examining post WWII Japanese Culture.
His most known picture, Stray Dog, (1971)  is clearly taken on the run, in the midst of bustling, lively street activity. The representation of the alert, wandering, solitary, but ultimately mysterious animal, is a powerful expression of the vital outsider. It is an essential reflection of Moriyama's presence as an alert outsider in his own culture.


Critical Essay: Step by Step Guide

Critical Essay: Step by Step Guide

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Describes essential steps in the writing and composing of two most popular types of the essays- Critical essay and argumentative essay.


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During your studying process you will be given a large number of written assignments that you will have to complete obligatory. They are supposed to develop necessary skills within you, such as to generalize or to specify. All these factors will increase your salability on job market in the future. Completing such assignments you will learn to develop your own approach to the problem and analyze objectively. You will face the necessity to write a number of papers that will require critics from you towards different matters and objects.

Going through the materials you are required to analyze you can either agree to some of the ideas expressed by the author or disagree with him. You also might partially agree with the thesis statement and do not approve the evidence he gives. It doesn't matter to your tutor whether you agree or disagree, you should stay critical to the matter you research. You have to be neutral to the subject and depict the situation as objectively as it is only possible. Objective criticism is an inseparable part of any essay. The essay structure should look like this: 1) A brief introduction that includes a thesis statement; 2) The main body that contains all the evidence and arguments relevant to the question; 3) Summary paragraph. Whatever point of view you take, you should support your statement by trustworthy evidence and logical chain of facts. You may support or disagree with the statements provided in the initial material, but you should remember to back every one of your facts up by solid evidence. Your argumentation is a vital part of your written assignment. It is not only critical essay, where you are supposed to show coherent and logical scheme of evidence. This ability is extremely important in argumentative essay. According to my experience, students consider simple statement of the fact a valuable motivator to change an opinion of the reader. It is not so, if to look closer. Argumentation you give should be duly structured and each fact you state should be supported by a reliable source of information. Facts do not appear out of the air, we take them from information sources you analyze.

If you have a choice to make, choose a topic that you are acknowledged with. To get a successful paper you should work on the topic that is familiar to you. It would be better if you avoid discussing modern problems and issues in your paper and do not put them in the center of your essay. It is very hard to find a trustworthy source when there are millions of opinions and none of them is supported by good proof. It is also quite impossible to describe the general state of things in a five paragraph essay, so it is better to avoid modern subjects that appear on the news too often.


miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

Creating Content By Hiring Writers

Creating Content By Hiring Writers

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This article is about how to get your own articles without writing them yourself. There are some points you should notice when using services from freelance websites.

writing article, website content, hiring writer

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Internet is all about providing information to people. That's why there is a huge demand for informative articles that other webmasters can use on their sites. But although you can write them yourself,  there are times when you need some assistance in order to provide content to your visitors or for other purposes.

You may need to hire a writer because of time restraints or because you are not familiar with certain topics. By hiring a writer, you can focus on other tasks and have your content written by other experienced people.

There are several points to notice to get the proper content you need:

- Find out what kind of article you want to outsource.
Decide the main purpose of the article. Do you want to use it as content for your website, submit to article directory or as newsletter?  Is it intended to presell a product or just to get inbound links to your website? Prepare the keywords for the article.

- Look for writers
Visit freelance websites like and browse the profile of some writers. Usually, they provide their past works to show their writing ability. Check out the quality of their work. Don't forget to notice some comments from their own customers. But remember that no one is perfect.

The rate of an article is around $5 to $35, but usually you have to order more than one article to meet a minimum order. The rules may vary.

It is up to you whether you want to invite certain writers or not. Some writers can write a topic in details because of their background. The cost of hiring a writer is variable depending on the level of expertise required, the amount of research needed and the nature of the assignment.

Make sure to tell them clearly about the right you want to have with the articles. If you don't want any restriction of using the articles, tell them now. You may also think to not allow the writer to use his works for other purposes (e.g resell them).

Check the articles after you receive them. Make sure the writer you are hiring follow your guidelines. Make a note of his or her work. Can he provide quality work and respect your needs and deadline?

By outsourcing the writing task, you will have more time to focus on other work you like. You will free up more time for marketing and advertising.

Finally, don't forget to keep up with the latest information related to your industry, too. So you will know which topic is being hot and profitable.

Hiring writers is a great way to provide useful content for your website's visitors easily. So give it a try.


Creating an Outline Can Dramatically Improve Your Article Writing

Creating an Outline Can Dramatically Improve Your Article Writing

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The truth is that writing is a pet hate for many of us. Throughout school we have written an endless number of essays and articles and from a personal point of view I hardly ever looked forward to the prospect of writing. It seemed so difficult to keep the flow of an article going, and many times I use to run out of points to mention, making the content uninteresting and bland. However, at a time when article writing can dramatically improve website promotion, it is a method that should not be avoided.

article writing,article marketing,internet marketing,writing

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The truth is that writing is a pet hate for many of us. Throughout school we have written an endless number of essays and articles and from a personal point of view I hardly ever looked forward to the prospect of writing. It seemed so difficult to keep the flow of an article going, and many times I use to run out of points to mention, making the content uninteresting and bland. However, at a time when article writing can dramatically improve website promotion, it is a method that should not be avoided.

Although there are a great number of people who like to write articles, either to promote their product or website, or to display their expertise in an area, there are also many more that would rather walk on hot coals than to sit down and write out an article. The key between the two sets of people is that one is prepared and has methods and procedures in place to quickly and effectively write articles, and the other does not plan at all.

One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to make an outline first. This will make you prepared for what you want to get across in the article and make the article flow. Using an outline you can start with the idea that you initially have for the article and make a plan for the succeeding steps. This will not only make the article more readable and understandable, but also make article writing easier and faster.

Rather than to sit and think of different sections of an article, an outline will provide a clear introduction, body and conclusion. Also brainstorm sentences and ideas that you feel would compliment the article and contribute to the impact it may have on a reader. These points could make the article creative, interesting and appealing to the reader.

Here I will provide a few tips and guidelines so that you can create an outline for all of your articles:

Do a brainstorming session and write down the good ideas that usually come to you first. Imagine being in the readers' position and think of what might attract their interest. Assign a time frame that you aim to stick to, where you can write down all of your ideas and do any research that you may need to do. Review the ideas that you have jotted down and become familiar with the topic so that writing them in the article will be easy.

Next, determine the sub topic and sub titles of the article. If your article has apparent sections, you will then be able to make them clear for the reader using sub titles.

Now you can begin to add the "meat" of the article. You will need to connect all of your paragraphs and sub topics to form the body of the article. While you will have an introduction that will guide into the ideas of your paragraph, you will also need a conclusion to conclude your points and to drive in the purpose of the article.

Your article outline will also require you to write a draft. This may be required several times so that the outline is perfected as more drafts are written. The draft is meant for your eyes only so experiment with paragraphs and sentences so that the article reads how you see fit. As you write more drafts you will see clearly how the article progresses to the verge of being complete.

Re-read what you have written. Always refer to your outline so that you keep to the guidelines that you have set out for yourself. It's very easy to get caught up in a particular sentence and to go off at a tangent. Your outline should stop this from happening. All the time spent writing out your outline should not go to waste. Trust and rely on your outline because it can prove to be a very helpful tool in writing all of your articles.

For some, writing articles is a unappealing thought, but an important one to undertake in internet marketing. Creating an outline can solve problems that many encounter.


martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Confessions Of An Article Writer: Time Wasters!

Confessions Of An Article Writer: Time Wasters!

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Managing a business means managing your time. Matt discusses five time wasters that can impede the profitability of any online business.

freelance article writer, web manager, HTML, PHP, DHTML, forums, message boards, blogs, bloggers

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I hate to admit it, I even think I'll be misunderstood, but there are several time wasters I encounter throughout the day that can negatively impact my business. Let's be honest: the internet is a cool tool, but there are enough distractions to it that can keep you from what you really need to do: make money. Here is my short list of things that are real time wasters:

Blogging -- Yeah, I like to blog. Love it even. Still, there are times that blogging can become an end to itself. What is my page rank? How do I rate with Technorati? This particular blog is my favorite -- I manage 7 of them -- but some of the seven aren't worthy of my daily thoughts. Just thought that you would like to know!

Forums -- Going back 8 or 9 years I used to regularly participate on this one particular, not-to-be-named forum. Got into a lot of heated arguments, but I still had some fun. When it all adds up, the only thing I can chalk up to experience is that spending too much time on any forum is a real time waster. Okay, I still like forums, so I control my time usage.

Web Pages -- Tweak, I must! There is no such thing as a "done" web page. Maybe overdone! There are times that I simply have to stop making updates and simply go with the page as it is. No one else cares about the javascript, the background color, the font as much as I do. Why sweat it?

Ad Networks -- Three years ago I relied heavily on banner ads to help generate revenue. All that work for the occasional $25 monthly check...not worth it!

PPC Schemes -- Some plans are better than others. Personally, I haven't found one that works as well as Google's AdSense program although the Yahoo! Publisher Network is improving. For 30 consecutive months I have made the monthly minimum payouts with AdSense -- even generating that much money in just one day -- so it is a good program. Still, I don't have time to monitor every ad on every page on every site.

So, there you have it. My short list of time wasters. I am sure that there are more, but you probably have already gotten my point.


Common Mistakes When Article Writing

Common Mistakes When Article Writing

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As an article directory owner, there are several common mistakes that many article authors make, some of which may directly affect how successful an article is in its purpose of website promotion.

article writing,article promotion,article directories,writing

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As an article directory owner, there are several common mistakes that many article authors make, some of which may directly affect how successful an article is in its purpose of website promotion.

One of the most common errors that are made is not reading over an article to check for spelling errors. Although it is understandable that the occasional spelling mistake may go unnoticed, it is not uncommon to find articles with dozens of errors throughout. This immediately conveys that the article author is not as bothered about the article as they should be and is merely using it to try and get their resource box link out to as many sites as possible.

But what about human visitors using article directories?

In order to gain traffic directly from article directories it is important that the article is interesting but also grammatically correct and spell checked, so that readers will respect the article and will be more likely to read it to the end and follow the resource box link. An article author who does not spell check an article after completion is not only missing out on a lot of promotion and wasting time submitting to article directories that reject the article, but also from the direct traffic that could have been received from the directories that do accept it.

One surprising mistake that is made by some, although not as common as spelling and grammatical errors, is an incorrect/broken link provided in the resource area. This area is meant to be the section where a reader will read a brief promotional segment about what you and your website offers and then to hopefully follow the link to your site. However, on occasions mistakes are made in the URL. For example I have noticed a website with an URL such as "" spelt as "". This is an obvious typo which many article directory owners will notice and correct, however it is possible that a lot of traffic and link popularity is being lost from directory owners who miss the error and accept the article "as is".

Another mistake, and one that is a pet hate of many article directory owners, is article authors who do not read a sites terms of service and article submission guidelines prior to submission. This is shown repeatedly when authors submit articles with more links in the resource box, for example, or directly linking to an affiliate program. Although many errors are corrected by article directory owners, there are some that are simply rejecting articles that do not abide by the submission guidelines, as there are so many others to review that there is no time to correct articles.

To increase the likelihood of an article being accepted, ensure that the layout is correctly formatted. This is to say that the article is not formatted to a specific line width but instead should flow to the end of the line and onto the following line. Space paragraphs clearly as paragraphs with a line space between them.

Probably the biggest point to remember here is to double check an article before submission. If possible, also have a friend read the article to check for errors. Doing so will allow for the best possible results to be gained from the submission.


lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Choosing a Topic For Your Article

Choosing a Topic For Your Article

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There are many things to consider when writing an article. One of the main ones is the choice of topic. Choosing a topic you are passionate about is important for several reasons.

articles, writing an article, topic

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There are many things to consider when writing an article. One of the main ones is the choice of topic. Choosing a topic you are passionate about is important for several reasons.

· Your writing will not only flow more easily, but your enthusiasm will show through and affect the reader in a positive way.

· Editors like enthusiasm in writing.

· You will know much about your topic, thus saving a lot of time in research.

· Your writing task will be a joy to do.

You might feel that writing in the area of your interest is too limiting, but it is possible to branch out into areas that are similar. For instance, if your area of expertise is in chemistry, then writing about health should not be too much of a learning curve. It will also give you a wider scope for selling your articles. Many magazines have a health section. Health topics can be widened to include such topics as sporting injuries and how to treat them, or nutrition. Nutrition can focus on various age groups. See how the ripples widen? In no time you'll be able to submit articles to many different magazines or websites and you'll still be writing with passion and enthusiasm.

Choosing your own topic is easier if you decide to write freelance. You can submit to magazines specializing in that topic, but what happens if you are asked to write about a topic you hate, or know little about? If you are a skilled researcher and writer you will bring all your skills to bear on doing the job correctly. Otherwise, consider refusing. If, for example, you are asked to write about finance and investments and you are not even familiar with the terms used, then unless you are a quick learner and love research, your reputation might suffer.

Publishing articles on the Internet is even riskier to your reputation, since there is not always an editor to scrutinize the details and say yea or nay. You must not only get your facts right, but offer good solid meat in your article. An article that includes the basic information that everyone but the man from Mars knows, will make you a laughing stock in the article world.

For example, everyone knows that Fido needs to be fed, watered and exercised properly to be a happy doggie. But does everyone know that his drooping ears need to be inspected carefully for ticks or disease? Do they know the symptoms of a certain disease that particular breed is prone to and what to do about it? Have they heard about that old remedy that will save them a bomb at the vet? If you can provide information such as this in your article, you will soon have a happy readership.


Can't Write Articles For Links? Write code!

Can't Write Articles For Links?  Write code!

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If you've subscribed to an seo newsletter for longer than a week, you're well aware that writing articles with tips and advice pertaining to your website's subject is a great way to generate links and traffic. But what if you can't write or are afraid to write?

articles, traffic, freeware, website, promotion, free links

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If you've subscribed to an seo newsletter for longer than a week, you're well aware that writing articles with tips and advice pertaining to your website's subject is a great way to generate links and traffic. But what if you can't write or are afraid to write? Well, if you can write software, you're still in luck! In this article I'll show you a trick that can still garner you hundreds of links and won't require you know the difference between adjectives and adverbs.

I'll use my own little website as an example (I freely admit that I am neither a web designer nor a programmer). My wife and I own By Request DJ & Karaoke Company. Obviously, we specialize in weddings dances, school dances, company parties, and karaoke. We recently went through the process of converting all our CDs to compressed digital audio files which are played from a computer rather than hauling around thousands of CDs. In the process of ripping and encoding our music, I found many tasks were very repetitive and time consuming. Since I know a smattering of Visual Basic, it was simple to write a utility to automate these tasks. I figured that if it was helpful to me, some other DJ might find it helpful to, so I called my utility MP3G to ZIP and made it available for download from my website. I also decided to submit it to a few freeware sites just so it was easier to find.

What happened amazed me. Many of the links to my website from these freeware directories began showing up in Google. Given the name of my company and the descriptions of my freeware apps, this helped boost my site for some very competitive keywords. I decided to submit my software to a few more directories, and that's when I found two very handy tools: PAD files and RoboSoft.

A PAD file is a "Portable Application Description, and it helps authors provide product descriptions and specifications to online sources in a standard way, using a standard data format that will allow webmasters and program librarians to automate program listings." It takes the tedium out of submitting your software to hundreds of sites by enabling you to enter the URL to your software information rather than retyping all the information for every submission. It was created by the Association of Shareware Professionals  and is a free utility.

RoboSoft  a semi-automated software submission utility that contains a list of known freeware and shareware directories that accept submissions. It is only semi-autonomous because it won't push the buttons for you, but it will fill in the blanks. This still allows you to quickly enter your software's information to hundreds of websites. Websites who will all link back to your website and most often don't require a reciprocal link. The RoboSoft database currently lists 420 freeware and shareware directories.

In the two months I have been using these tools I have seen my traffic jump from 800 unique visits per month to over 5000, and the link popularity of the page that has my two freeware apps has gone from 7 to 639 according to While these are small numbers for someone like,, or even, they are huge for a small site like mine. Plus, they are beginning to get me links from my fellow DJs who have used and appreciated my tools. I'm certain that they will eventually lead to good things.

So, while it isn't a tactic that will make you number for "best website", it will get you a few more links. And it won't require you to submit any articles with tips about marketing your website.


sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Building A Rock Solid Query Letter

Building A Rock Solid Query Letter

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Recently I reviewed a client's query letter. It was a hard working query letter, detailing the marketing prospects for the book, her own glowing credentials and the contacts she possessed that would help her publicize the book. But she left out one teeny weeny thing: she didn't say what her book was about! I used to think query letters were relatively easy, but now I realize that a query has to do so many things that it's easy to forget essential elements. Since the letter is...



Article Body:
Recently I reviewed a client's query letter. It was a hard working query letter, detailing the marketing prospects for the book, her own glowing credentials and the contacts she possessed that would help her publicize the book. But she left out one teeny weeny thing: she didn't say what her book was about! I used to think query letters were relatively easy, but now I realize that a query has to do so many things that it's easy to forget essential elements. Since the letter is your first step in putting your book's best foot forward, you don't want that to happen. So here's a simple rundown on what goes into a solid query letter.

Who Are You?
It's tempting to start the letter by leaping into a breathless description of what you're sure is going to be the best book in the world, but resist a little longer. You want to use your first paragraph to introduce yourself and let the agent know why he or she should pay attention to you. Tell the agent who you are. Describe your qualifications, including a bit about your current activities which will in turn describe your platform. Have you been doing speaking engagements? Do you appear on television? Are you noted in your profession? Have you won any awards? Do people look to you as an expert in your subject? Do you teach? For instance, if you are a workshop or seminar leader in real estate finance, frequently travel across the country, and have 5,000 people attending your workshops every month, you can tell the agent:"Now I've decided to give away all of my secrets in a book about real estate financing with no money down." Anything that puts you in front of people is a potential place to sell your book so don't forget to mention such activities.

What's Your Book About?
In the next two or three paragraphs of the letter you get to talk about your wonderful book idea and/or story. As a guideline, it may help you to read the backs of book covers. You'll want to do something similar--a brief synopsis of your book with enough spark it will intrigue the agent or any other potential reader, to pick up your book. Use bullet points to highlight what amazing tidbits the reader will get out of the book. Will they get five strategies on how to eat without gaining weight? Or 4 low cost resources for financing a large home improvement project? Or the 6 surefire signs you've found your life purpose? Make this description tight, concise and, of course, hugely interesting. Then you can move on to...

Your Great Marketing Plan--With You As the Star
The query letter should include a brief paragraph or two about how you're going to market the book. Of course, if you go with a traditional publisher you'll get major help in this area from the publishing house. But remember this: no one will be a better advocate for your book than you. And when editors are considering manuscripts they're also considering what kind of a marketing presence they'll be getting with the author. You'll make their job easier--and your book much more successful--if you can bring your own marketing plan to the table to work hand in hand with the publisher's. Do you have contacts in the media willing to help? Are you good at getting quoted in newspapers and magazines? Do you publish freelance articles that can mention your upcoming book? Put a lot of thought into this. Too many writers go into the publishing process expecting everything to be done for them and then are disappointed. Having a good marketing plan would show a potential agent that you're serious and you understand the business.

The Next Step
You've mentioned your credentials, described your book and your stellar marketing plan. Ideally, at this point, you have the agent intrigued. You want him or her to say, "Great! What does this person have to offer?" This is where your letter would say something like, "I would love for you to see more and I have a proposal" or "I have 50 pages of a manuscript." Whatever you want the agent to see next, offer it up and ask, "May I send this to you?" Asking permission is always a classy thing to do, it shows you're not being presumptuous. Then you move into a closing that let's the agent know you'll follow up in a certain amount of time either via phone or email (they might prefer email).

When you're done, read your query letter over many times. Have another trusted set of eyes read it for you. It's easy to overlook important points, or to think you've covered something when you really haven't. When you can polish no longer, send it out--many times! And congratulations. You've just made the first step in getting yourself and your book out there. I wish you a successful journey.

© 2006 Sophfronia Scott


Best Tips For Writing A Great How-To Article

Best Tips For Writing A Great How-To Article

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If you are using articles to help drive traffic to your website you will need to come up with ideas for articles that people will want to read and publish. The quality of articles found on article directories can vary significantly so it is important that yours are among the best available for your article marketing campaign to be successful.

article, reader, task, write, how to,  articles, to article, how to article, router, need, read, hand, instructions, sure, headline,

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If you are using articles to help drive traffic to your website you will need to come up with ideas for articles that people will want to read and publish. The quality of articles found on article directories can vary significantly so it is important that yours are among the best available for your article marketing campaign to be successful.

There is no end to the subjects you can write about and you can use any style you wish. However, it has to be something that people will want to read. "How to" articles are very popular with both website owners and readers and can be a great way to get your article marketing campaign underway. Basically, the purpose of a 'how to' article is to explain to a reader how to do something.

Of course, you will have to have a good knowledge of how to do the task yourself before you can think about instructing anyone else how to do it, so stick to what you know. There are many possibilities. If you have experience in networking you could write a 'how to' article on how to set up a router at home, or if you love cars you could write an article on 'how to service your car'. There are endless possibilities for 'how to' articles, in fact you are reading one right now.

So let's get started. When you are writing a "how to" article remember that you are the teacher so write in an authoritative tone. You are sharing your expertise with someone who may have little knowledge of the subject at hand. So keep your writing style simple and your instructions clear.

At the beginning of your article tell your reader what their goal is and summarize how it is going to be achieved. This will prepare them for the task ahead. You should also inform them of what, if anything, they will need to have to hand to complete the task. Going back to the setting up a router example, you would need to tell them that they will need their computer, router, instruction booklet and perhaps and ethernet cable to complete the task.

Also, you must start at the beginning and work through the task step by step. Sometimes it may be beneficial to use bullet points to help give the impression that it is a step by step process. Alternatively you can link the steps with words like 'next', 'and then' or 'now'. If you are new to writing the bullet points option might be best for you as it keeps things simple, and helps you avoid complex grammatical structures.

As you write, re-read your text every few paragraphs, and try to read it from the reader's point of view, assuming they know nothing about the task at hand. As an expert on the subject it can be too easy to make things over-complex because the task is second nature to you. Try to imagine you are doing it for the first time and instruct the reader accordingly. Going back to our previous example, will the reader actually know what an ethernet cable is, or what a router is for that matter?

If a particular stage in the task is complex you may want to repeat the instruction, or ask the reader to check their progress so they are sure they have followed your instructions successfully.

With longer articles it is important to do this regularly so the reader does not lose track. Summarize what they have done so far, tell them what should have already been achieved and ask them to check that everything is as it should be. If a reader finds that the project does not look like what you have described, they can then retrace the last few steps and see where they went wrong.

If you work through your article in this manner you should be left with a clear, concise 'how to' article that takes the reader through each step of the project to completion. Read it again, at least twice, to make sure that it is well written and that instructions are clear. Wrap up with a concluding paragraph congratulating the reader for a job well done.

And finally, the icing on the cake, the headline. This does not necessarily have to be done at the end. It can be done before you write the article but you may find that headline ideas will come to you as you write your content. Be sure to spend some time perfecting your headline as this can be the difference between the success and failure of your article.


viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Benefits of Submitting Articles – 10 Reasons Why Free May Bring in the Bucks

Benefits of Submitting Articles – 10 Reasons Why Free May Bring in the Bucks

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Websites, Bloggers, Ezine Publishers all need content. All business need exposure and advertising. Writing artilcles to share your expertise with others can benefit in a number of ways even if you offer your articles freely.

submit articles, self-publish, articles, write, link popularity, credibility

Article Body:
Websites, Bloggers, Ezine Publishers all need content. All business need exposure and advertising. Writing artilcles to share your expertise with others can benefit in a number of ways even if you offer your articles freely.

1. Brand Yourself. You will brand your website, business and yourself . Make sure you include your name, business name, credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. Gain credibility. You will become know as an expert on the topics you write about. Get an edge on your competion with a boost in credibilty.

3. Free advertising. This will broaden your advertising efforts in addition to yur normal advertising budget.

4. Get Published All Over The Web. Multiple visiting publishers to need free content for their websites, ezines, blogs and more.

5. Get Published in Offline Content. Some publishers may put your content in ebooks and so your advertising can multiply further.

6. Gain Trust. If when people read your article they like it, they will be more likely to buy your product or service increasing your profits.

7. Highlighted Exposure. A publisher may choose to place your article on their homepage or high traffic blog. Placement can increase credibility as well as exposure.

8. Long Term Advertising. Your article may end up in archives to ezine publications. Some subcribers like to read back issues before subscribing.

9. Multiply Income. You may get extra income from people who want to hire you to write other articles, books or even speak at seminars. This can be a great way to multiply your income.

10. Link Popularity! When publishers begin placing your article along with resource box on their websites you will start to raise your search engine rankings.
The more links back to you site the more popular you are with the search engines. Start gaining all sorts of popularity today!


Be A Writing Whiz – Market Your Articles

Be A Writing Whiz – Market Your Articles

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If you're a writer who can write short, snappy, but chock-full-of-information articles, then the Web is your perfect home.

writing article,how to write article,why write articles,article marketing

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If you're a writer who can write short, snappy, but chock-full-of-information articles, then the Web is your perfect home. For anatomical reasons, web surfers cannot read long articles with text-rich paragraphs – but they're after information, and if you can provide it, then you're a winner.

But how do you let the world know that you can write well? And how can the world know that you are willing to offer your services as an article writer?

The key is to successfully market yourself by marketing your articles. But if you can't send out dozens of emails to prospective clients, or spend hours designing a website, what can you do to get people to hire you?

The key is to write one, and only one ground-breaking article, and to include a resource box.

A resource box contains information about you, and it will usually be at the end of your article. But to make your Web visitors curious, you have to make a resource box so brief and loaded with information, they'll want to hire you after they read the first five words of it.

So what should be in your resource box?

• Give your name – not your full name that stretches all the way out of your birth certificate, but the name you would like to be placed on checks, and how you would like request letters to be addressed. Oftentimes, online writers rely so much on their email addresses and contact details that they forget to put their names down.

• Give your website address, if you have a website. Direct your prospective clients to formal samples of your writing – not to your informal blog where you have details of what happened during your day, all in "Net-Speak."

• Make your pitch – a one to three sentence proposal that shows readers what makes you and your writing unique. Some marketing experts refer to this as your unique selling proposition, or your USP, the promise of fulfilling an unmet need. Others call it the "Elevator Pitch," or what you would tell a prospective client if you were caught for a few seconds together on the elevator.

The key to making a pitch is brevity: say in a few words all that makes you special.

• Make a call to action by inviting people to visit your website and take you on as a writer. This can be done in a simple sentence that will tell prospective clients that you are the person for the job, and that if they do not take you on, they will regret their choices for the rest of their lives (of course, in not too many words).

"Your Name" email addresses are not only more professional-looking, they are easier for your busy clients to remember.

If you follow your writing rules when making your resource box – that is, if you keep it short and to-the-point, you'll be sure to get a lot of clients clamoring for your services in no time. All you have to do is advertise well and frequently, and make your writing shine.


jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Be a Well Paid Writer, Starting Today

Be a Well Paid Writer, Starting Today

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Imagine writing a few words, several times a day, and waiting for checks for $10, $50, two hundred dollars or more to pop through your letterbox some time soon.   That's what life is like for writers of short manuscripts, commonly called 'fillers', who can make this a full time writing career or a wonderfully profitable hobby.

writing, freelance writer, writer, write articles, published writer

Article Body:
Imagine writing a few words, several times a day, and waiting for checks for $10, $50, two hundred dollars or more to pop through your letterbox some time soon.   That's what life is like for writers of short manuscripts, commonly called 'fillers', who can make this a full time writing career or a wonderfully profitable hobby.

Fillers are short written pieces, sometimes just a few words, ranging from readers' letters, to verses, jokes and cartoons, recipes and household hints, overheard conversations and odd things children say, press errors, and much more.

Demand for fillers is growing fast as people spend less time reading longer features, preferring instead shorter, fact-packed pieces that can be read during coffee breaks and in whatever little spare time most people have.

How to Get Started Today

Becoming a published writer, and being paid, is as easy as reaching for pen and paper, a few envelopes and stamps, and studying magazines for current published fillers.  To be a published writer really fast look for prolific users like Reader's Digest, Woman's Own, Writers' News, most hobby and special interest publications and virtually every woman's magazine.

Read other people's published and paid for contributions  - not all attract payment - and model your work on those editors have already chosen.  Notice how some editors favour comments on past published features in the magazine, while others choose pictures of children and pets, and others recipes, poetry, jokes and so on. 

Look further at magazines that most closely match your interests and writing preferences and look for editors' notes on how and what to write for payment which you'll usually find on the contents page or in special readers' letters and filler pages.

Make a list of possible subjects to write about and begin collecting ideas for letters, jokes, hints, as required by your target magazines.

Start by listing all main points you might include in your letter or filler.  List these in order of importance, from '1' for most important down to however many points there are.  This is usually the order they will take in your finished piece, but not always, and some editors favour keeping the most important, sometimes second most important piece to close the feature.  As always, study your target magazine first.

Write your piece, in simple style, not trying to impress and without using long and complicated words. Make sure each word deserves its place in your manuscript.  Go through with a highlighter pen marking essential points and looking for any which might be deleted. 

Make your lead as strong as possible.  Try including something to shock readers or search for an odd and little known fact about your subject.  Anything to attract and retain reader interest. This is what will compel the editor, and ultimately his readers, to finish reading your work.

Letters can be handwritten, other fillers should be typed on A4 paper, double spacing, with wide margins. 

Add your name and address at the beginning of the manuscript and number all pages. 

Add an introduction letter to fillers stating subject, word count and your own name or chosen pen name. 

Submit your letter or fillers and wait.  Don't hassle editors, you'll only antagonise them and possibly turn them against you forever.  Once your first manuscript has gone, start work on the next, and the next.

Main Points for Filler Writers

*  Sentences and paragraphs should be short and punchy.  Longer sentences and paragraphs are offputting to readers.  And, of course, editors, too.

*  Begin by writing about subjects that interest you in magazines you read yourself.

*  Try to be different.  Even if the subject is common, look for an unusual feature or aspect to focus on.  Make it one readers can relate to and make sure nothing similar has featured recently.

*  Watch out for special sections in some publications, where editors invite features on a common theme, sometimes a grouse, frequently complaints, often asking readers to recount their most embarrassing moments, and so on.

*  Keep your eyes and ears open for anything remotely interesting to use in your letters and fillers.  Listen to what other people say, particularly children.  Watch out for odd signs and business names, and have your camera ready to record them. 

*  Never copy other people's work in your target magazines.  This is breach of copyright, but there is no copyright on ideas, so what you see in one magazine can be borrowed to form the basis of a filler you write for another publication. 

*  Study at least a dozen or so publications of the type you would like to write for.  Rank these in order of preference, according to filler types, payment, subject matter.  Start writing and submitting material for those highest on your list.

*  Think pictures.  Think illustrations.  Instead of sending just words to your target publication, include a photograph, maybe a cartoon or line drawing.  This will increase your chance of being published.  As always, careful study of your target magazine will establish editorial preferences.

*  Always have a notepad and pen at hand, and preferably a pocket camera and mini recorder.  It's amazing where inspiration and ideas strike and how often there is nothing handy to record the incident.  My best ideas come when I'm in the bath, ironing, gardening, or walking the dog!  Those notepads pinned to every wall and popped into my handbag have repaid their cost many times over!

*  Be professional in everything you write, however brief.  This will bring your name to the fore when editors view your work.  Being professional also opens the door to longer assignments, like articles and columns and maybe even regular commissions.

*  Never assume that what suits one market will also suit another.  It won't.  Each market must be studied as a separate entity. 

*  Do not submit the same piece, or something very similar, to two markets at the same time.  Editors hate this, especially where that other market is one of their major competitors.  More importantly, you will lose all credibility as a writer.

*  Send your manuscript to the appropriate person or department.  This will usually be indicated in the publication itself, usually on the readers' letters page or in appropriate sections reserved for fillers.  Otherwise, address your work to the editor whose name usually features in the early pages of your target magazine.  Alternatively, look in Writers' and Artists' Yearbook or Writer's Market for the information you require.

*  On the question of when to retrieve your work and submit it to another publication, most writers agree that three months is the very minimum you should wait before assuming your work has been unsuccessful.  Some writers wait longer, up to a year for high-paying markets like Reader's Digest. 

*  Keep your work in circulation.  Keep accurate records of everything you write, including where it is currently on offer and where it might be submitted next.  Incidentally, resubmission doesn't apply purely to unsuccessful pieces; published pieces can also be revised and resubmitted to new markets, but not too soon after publication and preferably not to major competitors of your main markets.

*  Above all, enjoy yourself, this isn't hard work after all!


Assume Nothing: Spell It Out

Assume Nothing: Spell It Out

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We put a man on the moon, but we can't assume that everyone knows or even understands that event. When doing any type of writing, spelling out the details -- particularly background information -- is essential toward helping readers fully grasp what you are trying to tell them.

article marketing, article directories, article writing, articles, freelance writer, free articles

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37 years ago today, America landed the Apollo 11 lunar module upon Earth's moon. For those of us old enough to remember this event we have that day permanently etched in our memories. On that date I was an almost 11 year old kid taking a summer clarinet class --  we interrupted our squeakings and honkings to watch the events unfold on a black and white television as they happened.

So, why am I saying all of this? Am I attempting to mark the occasion for some reason? Well, yes and no. Truly, in the course of human history man's landing on the moon was a big event. Talk about going where no man had gone before! Yet, I also realize that the vast number of people alive today have no recollection of the event. Figure that anyone under the age of 42 or 43 remembers nothing about the first moon landing. Subsequent landings perhaps, but maybe not the first one in 1969. Furthermore, we haven't been back to the moon in over 30 years. How many people alive today only know about these events via the history books?

Okay, I am no longer young but I haven't quite hit the jurassic era either. Still, when writing about events of long ago there is one thing that I must remind myself of regularly: don't assume that people know what you are talking about. This is true for whatever types of writings you do: spell out acronyms, expound your thoughts, and make it crystal clear to your readers what you are conveying. Your readership may be a lot younger, much less informed, or simply unable to grasp what you are trying to say. Give them background information even when it seems as if they should know what you are writing about.


Article Writing Tips From Spongebob Squarepants

Article Writing Tips From Spongebob Squarepants

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Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places. Today, wisdom bubbled up from a pineapple under the sea. I suddenly realized that everything you'd want to know about writing articles for your website can be taught by SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends.



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Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places. Today, wisdom bubbled up from a pineapple under the sea. I suddenly realized that everything you'd want to know about writing articles for your website can be taught by SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends.

When you write for your newsletter, blog, or website, which character are you most like?

Squidward: Squidward is B-O-R-I-N-G. When writing articles, are you a Squidward? Do you just get the words down on paper or are you finding a fun twist to entertain your audience and keep them coming back for more? Take time to make your articles stand out from the thousands of other dull articles out there by including personal stories or just having fun while writing. For instance, this article could be entitled "How to Write a Good Article", but would it stand out from the hundreds of other articles about article writing? Probably not.

Mr. Krabs: This crustacean is focused on one thing and one thing only, making more and more and more money. Only a cartoon could actually have dollar signs drawn in his eyes. He thinks of no one, only how he can benefit. Are your articles focused on you or on the reader? Are you providing information or do you have blinders on, thinking only about how you can make money from the article you are writing? If your article reads like an ad or is self-serving or full of affiliate links, you might write like Mr. Krabs.

Patrick: SpongeBob's best friend, the starfish, has a good heart, but isn't the brightest creature in the sea. Do your articles make you sound like an expert? Are you providing valuable content or just pushing out sloppy articles as fast as you can? Always double check for typos and grammatical errors. If you're challenged by spelling and grammar, hire a Virtual Assistant or Copywriter to proofread and submit your article for you. Or slow down, set your article aside for a day and then reread it before you click the "submit" button.

Plankton: The smallest creature in the sea is also the sneakiest. He'll do anything and hurt anyone to steal someone else's work (the Krabby Pattie secret formula). Write your own material. Don't be Plankton. Don't copy and paste someone else's work, edit it, and try to pass it off as your own. You will be caught, and it just isn't worth it. Take the same amount of effort and work on your own thoughts and ideas. Plankton never gets away with his schemes, either. He's on Plan "Z" and is still pathetically failing at his attempts to steal the secret formula.

SpongeBob: This little guy always tries to do the right thing, and is a hard worker. He may not always end up getting the results he hoped for, but he bounces back and tackles his work with a renewed vigor. SpongeBob works very hard, he's a good friend, he always thinks of others, and tries to have fun no matter what he is faced with. Hardworking, friendly SpongeBob is the guy to be when writing articles.

Although this is a silly lesson in article writing, I hope you'll remember the important messages our underwater friends have taught us.

1. Be entertaining. Not boring.

2. Write articles to help others, not with dollar signs in your eyes.

3. Proofread your articles carefully, and provide valuable information.

4. Write your own material. Don't copy others.

5. Be a SpongeBob! Hard work and persistence pay off.

Before you know it, you'll develop a following for having informative and entertaining articles and you'll be King or Queen of the sea.


miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Article Writing for the Terrified

Article Writing for the Terrified

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Writing and submitting articles is an effective marketing strategy to deliver targeted visitors, increase your rankings and boost sales. However, it is easy to equate article writing with onerous tasks such as writing high school or university essays. The memories of the pain involved in this form of writing can take time to fade away. The good news is that after learning a few simple steps, writing your own articles isn't as hard as it appears.

article writing, internet marketing

Article Body:
Writing and submitting articles is an effective marketing strategy to deliver targeted visitors, increase your rankings and boost sales. However, it is easy to equate article writing with onerous tasks such as writing high school or university essays. The memories of the pain involved in this form of writing can take time to fade away. The good news is that after learning a few simple steps, writing your own articles isn't as hard as it appears.

One of the biggest hurdles most new writers face is finding ideas to write about. The easiest way to begin is to write about things you are interested in and preferably passionate about. You already have knowledge in these areas which can be shared with others. It is easy to under-estimate your own abilities in areas you are experienced in. Talented people are often surprised by the level of questions novices ask (it is important to remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question - only stupid answers).

Once you have decided on a general area, a good way to narrow the topic down is to focus on the problems that people have. Typically, people read articles because they want to be entertained or they want information. Writing entertaining articles is a particular and more difficult skill. However, writing informative articles can be as simple as sharing tips that you have learnt. A guiding principle is to expect the readers to be looking for "What's in it for me".

You may already know the common problems that people have in the particular field, but if not, a good source of information is to look at related online forums and note the most common questions asked. If you don't have all the answers a small bit of research can assist. Often the answers are readily available with a Google search which the readers could do themselves. However, you are adding value and convenience by providing a range of answers in a single document.

Most people don't like to read large documents from the Web, so unlike long essays, articles tend to be around 400 words long. If you break the article into an introduction, a small number of sub-headings and a conclusion you may only have to write about 50 words in each section. The sub-headings may be for authoring purposes only, but if they are relevant they can be left in the final article.

The first draft should be for your eyes only. Don't try to produce a final copy as you write. It tends to be much quicker to get your thoughts down and come back to edit later. The final step in the writing process is to proofread your article making sure that the writing flows and would be interesting to the reader. Ask yourself, 'does the article provide information the potential reader is looking for?'. It can also be helpful to have someone else proofread the article. This is also the time to remove spelling and grammatical errors.

If you still have problems writing you may want to do a search for 'article writing software'. There are many packages around which can make the process easier. Similarly, there are numerous e-books available on the topic and many of them are available for free.

Once you have written your article you may want to add it to your own website as an item that search engines love - a piece of original content. If you add an 'About the Author' section with a link to your website, you can also submit it to article directories. As other websites publish your article you receive another thing that search engines look for, one-way back links. Article submission can be a tedious process, but software and websites that can submit to multiple directories in one go exist to make the job much easier.

After writing your first few articles you will find it is not as daunting as it first appears. You never know, you may even want to offer your services as a freelance writer on the Internet as a way to make some extra income.


Article Writing Basics - How To Make this Lucrative Business Work

Article Writing Basics - How To Make this Lucrative Business Work

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Like many people, you may be looking for an online business that will prove profitable for you. In this day and age, one of the most lucrative and profitable types of online businesses that...

article marketing, article writing

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There is tremendous demand for quality articles on the Internet and in the brick and mortar world. An individual who is interested in making headway in the arena of 21st century article writing needs to fully understand the article writing basics. Through this article, you are presented with some of the article writing basics that are most important to success in the copywriting field today.

Like many people, you may be looking for an online business that will prove profitable for you. In this day and age, one of the most lucrative and profitable types of online businesses that you can engage in is article writing. Through this article, you are provided with an overview of how people have found success in article writing online today.

First of all, an online article writing businesses relatively inexpensive to start. In fact, you really don't need any money at all to start your own online article writing business. You can begin the process by developing your own simple website.

Another immediate step that you can take to start developing your own online article writing business is to sign up at a freelance website. Many individuals have begun profitable online writing businesses by garnering work through freelance websites.

In addition to being inexpensive to start an online article writing business, you can maintain and build your online writing business without having major overhead. In fact, through referrals and recommendations, you can grow your client base with relative ease and no expense.

In time, as you continue to focus on your article writing efforts, you can develop an expertise in particular areas. As you develop your expertise, you'll be able to attract even more clients.

Finally, when it comes to article writing basics, focus is also of paramount import. One of the most common complaints in regard to articles that are written is that they simply do not stay on point. A write rambles away from the topic at hand and brings in extraneous material that is neither relevant nor appropriate. Proper article writing demands that a writer stay focused and absolutely stay on topic at all times.


martes, 12 de julio de 2011

Article Writing and Internet Marketing

Article Writing and Internet Marketing

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When it comes to internet marketing there are very few tools that are quite as good at generating more traffic for your website than writing articles. If you are looking for a simple way to achieve a higher rank look no further. Writing quality articles that are rich in content will not only help direct more customers to your site, but also make sure that those same customers keep coming back.

Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, traffic, Online Business

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When it comes to internet marketing there are very few tools that are quite as good at generating more traffic for your website than writing articles. If you are looking for a simple way to achieve a higher rank look no further. Writing quality articles that are rich in content will not only help direct more customers to your site, but also make sure that those same customers keep coming back.

When writing an article, you should consider what your goals are. There are many ways of using your article to obtain traffic such as Announcement lists, Ezine Publishers, Blogs, Forums, etc…

If you are looking to generate the maximum amount of traffic that you can to your website then you will want to follow a few guidelines:

Keep in mind, when writing an article most sites require at least 250-300 minimum words before submission. You need to be careful of how many keywords you use in an article.

Read into the SEO(Search Engine Optimization) rules. You need to have the proper keyword density without making the article sound like spam. Search engines will filter out articles with a keyword density that is too high, keeping your article from becoming to popular.

Remember, it is also imperative that your article's title be unique in order to gain its own status on the web. As long as your article's title is not too general, and there are no other articles on the web with the same name, you can easily track how popular your article is becoming by typing the title into a search engine surrounded by quotations.

Writing quality articles will generate more traffic from around the world, help you obtain a higher rank, and ultimately help you increase your profits. So what are you waiting for start writing articles today…